a reverse cart bag improvement for future releases

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By stephen m

  • 1 Reply
  1. hey just purchased  a reverse cart bag and its great but only problem is when i put an umbrella down one side of the bag (inside the umbrella holder) and a drink bottle on the other side (in the cool pocket), 

    there is now no room in either of the side apparel pockets for anything large and bulky like my rain cover. If i do put the rain cover in either apparel pocket the umbrella doesnt fit all the way down in the umbrella holder and a drink doesnt even fit in the cool dry pocket

    I'm now forced to put a drink in the score card pocket next to the umbrella and the thing is it fits perfectly! and i then can put large items in the other apparel pocket and i then put the my score cards in the cooll dry pocket!

    so basically next time just switch the score card and cool dry pockets around and it'll make the bag alot better


  2. Mike W

    Mike W

    Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Stephen

    Thanks for feedback..

    I have passed this on to the team who develop this product.  I'm not sure where they are in the development of future products at this time, but as always, feedback to make our products better is always greatly received.



    Titleist Golf Ball & Accessories Product Manager - Australia & New Zealand


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