Happy New Year Everyone!

Follow Thread

By Jason R

  • 3 Replies
  1. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    All the best for the coming year.

  2. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    Right back at you Jason... I am keeping my wishes very simple for 2024 - Make it through the season without an injury ! Let the scores be what they may be. I just want to enjoy the game and the friendships I make along the way :)
  3. Stephen M

    Stephen M
    Mississauga, ON

    Happy new year to all. Hope everyone gets great results in 2024
  4. Stephen M

    Stephen M
    Mississauga, ON

    Bacvk at you. Lost group chat on my phone from the TT event. would loike to reconnect with group

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