Recently went through extensive trackman testing with ap2's. 6 iron ss is 88-91mph. Results from hitting the x100 and s300 were similar in terms of carry distance. Dispersion was a hair tighter with x100, but not significant. Feel was better with s300, however, it also felt just a bit "flexy", great for working the ball, but, could lead to dispersion issues if you step on it (thats what i'm thinking anyway, may not be the case).
So, interested in the affects of ssx100 or hss300. Would hard stepping the s300 tighten it up (reduce the "flexy") and would soft stepping the x100 soften it up (feel wise)? Im more interested in dispersion as I only try to "move the ball" when required, otherwise is straight to a slight draw. I have a flattish impact as I'm usually 2-5 degrees from the inside, and play the irons 1 degree flat.
Any comments/ideas are appreciated, and excuse the word I created "flexy"...but, you know what I mean.