Tour AD BB 7x Driver shaft

Follow Thread

By Nick B

  • 3 Replies
  1. Nick B

    Nick B
    Sudbury, ON

    Hey team titleist.. Trying to get you guys to talk me into or talk me out of a huge purchase (for me anyway). I currently play a 913d3 8.5* with the diamana D+ 72x shaft. I hit it well but like most, clubs get old and boring fast. I hit usually a 10yd draw but can fade when I need to. I usually hit it about 310ish, no I'm not exaggerating.. Swing at 113-115 ball speed in the high 160s. I really like the idea of getting a tour ad bb 7x for my driver, because it seems to get even better performance than the whiteboard but with better feel. It is really expensive though.. I would re-use it in a 915 or something else as its a premium shaft that should hold its own for a few years. The real question is, is the Tour AD BB really that much better than the Diamana D+? is it worth spending 500$ on the shaft? Thanks TT


  2. Bubba

    Providence, RI

    Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Nick, 

    Thanks for the post. 

    It sounds like you hit your current WB+ very well. Unless there is something in particular that you would like to change about your ball flight, i.e. high spin, high launch, I see no reason to change shafts simply because you feel the shaft is "old". If you still feel as though you are not getting the most out of your driver, I would see a local fitter and hit some different options. 

    Hope this helps. 


  3. Nick B

    Nick B
    Sudbury, ON

    Well I'd like to tighten up that draw to almost non existant,  So maybe lower the spin a bit. But my numbers aren't horrible, 9-10* launch 2600-2700spin. I am also a feel player and the WB feels a little dead to me. But this isn't a necessity.. If I can get more control, good but is it that much better? worth the 500$?

  4. Matthew Thomas

    Matthew Thomas
    Mechanicsburg, PA

    Hi Nick,


    I currently play the 913D3 9.5° with the Graphite Design Tour AD BB7x shaft and I also play the 913f 13.5° with the Whiteboard D+ 82x shaft.  Comparing the two I can tell you that the Tour AD BB 7x shaft feels a lot smoother to me than the Whiteboard shaft.  It launching lower than the Tour AD DI and has a nice piercing flight that cuts through wind well for me.  IMO its the best shaft I have ever hit and is perfect for my swing; I have tested a lot of different driver shafts too.  I know its a big purchase but I couldn't be happier with the shaft. 



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