Help! Having used a beloved (well three) Fujikura Motore F1 65 Stiff in my last three drivers (910, 913, 915), it has snapped and I can't get the same shaft as a replacement (been discontinued for a while now).
Having originally gone through Custom Fit at St Ives and again at a Fitting Day it was a devil to find the right shaft in the first place.
Any suggestions as to what replaced this in the Fujikura shaft line-up or what shaft in the current line-up would be the closest equivalent - briefly I've tried the diamana s+ (too flimsy, high launching and poor distribution), d+ (good flight and spin but "no feeling" and lack of kick), rogue 70 black (too high launching and spinny and could feel it loading too much) and rogue silver 60 110msi (close, but not quite as tight dispersion).
Thanks in advance for your advice.