Hey TT - I have the Speeder Tour Spec 8.8 S flex currently (stock) in my 816 h1 21* hybrid - I am going back and forth between an h1 and an h2 due to really liking the smaller head shape of the h2 and accordingly I'm tinkering with ball flight.
Background: I have been on an absolute roll with the (first reissue) plain-jane white Speeder shafts, the 661x and the 757x are currently in 915 d2 driver/ 915f fairway, as for me they outperformed (replaced) my Rogue silver 60 and black 80. Silver played stiff to flex, black felt soft to flex and I never got along with it the way I thought I would.
I know the tour spec Speeders are typically a lower launch and more butt stiff than the standard speeder offerings, and I am really toying with stuffing an 865x into an H2 head seeing as I am in love with the 661x/757x combo. Sadly there is next to NO info on either of these shafts (tour spec 8.8 and Speeder 865) to spec them as far as profile or even organic user commentary.
SO - Anyone have experience with the 865 Speeder Hybrid shaft? Looking for a little higher launch than the tour spec 8.8 but love the feel and performance of the Speeders. (For instance, I was able to take my 9.5* 915 d2 back to A1 setting with the Speeder 661x and am several yards longer, I had it set to C3 with the Rogue.) Looking to duplicate the love I'm getting out of the 661/757 combo in my hybrid and thinking the 865 will do it but just hoping for some informed opinions.