Spin Rate for Drivers

Follow Thread

By Rod C

  • 2 Replies
  1. Rod C

    Rod C
    Alum Creek, WV

    I know the trend is to have high launch and low spin. Where do you drawl the line for low spin numbers? I would assume at some point you would hit a knuckle ball or not have enough spin to keep it in the air! My swing speed is around 100 mph. Thanks for any information in advance!

  2. Ideal spin is dependent on a few factors for each player. Launch will have more to do with your attack angle, but factors such as loft and kickpoints on the shaft can optimize that, you want enough spin to keep it airborne- descent angle between 35-40* is a good zone to be in. Experiment with different combo's, i have a 13* launch, about 105ft height and descent at 37* my best spin results will be about 2200rpms. However, if i catch it on the toe it can drop it 1800rpms or catch it on the heel and i am pushing 3000rpms , so quality of strike matters, eliminate your best and worst 10% and look at your average. With 100mph clubhead speed i would still need to know your launch angle/height/descent before recommending the optimal spin, but generally for that speed 2200-2400 should be good.
  3. Rod C

    Rod C
    Alum Creek, WV

    Thank you Dave! Exactly what I wanted to know! I don’t buy new drivers often and want to make sure I am getting the right fit.
    Next time I will pay more attention to the launch and decent numbers.

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