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By David

  • 4 Replies
  1. David

    Tacoma, WA

    I am looking for thoughts on Kuro Kage 50g stiff shaft vs Tensei AV 55g Blue stiff shafts. Differences as well as pros and cons. Which shaft is of more value/quality. I currently have a Titleist Tsi2 10 10 degree driver set to a1. Currently have the kuro kage black 50 gram in it and am considering the tensei 55g av blue. Your thoughts please...

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Every single person is different in how they swing, speed, tempo, etc. What works for one person may not work for someone else. That's why there is such a wide selection in brands, models, weights, and flex. You need to test multiple options on a swing monitor to know what works best for you.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Are you getting too much spin and/or launch angle? Access to an electronic monitor for the exact numbers. New shafts from Titleist run around $150. That’s enough to have a fitter go through alternatives, including the Tensei for your best option. If the KK isn’t a good fit.

    I got the Tensei Blue for a TSi-1 with the Ascent 40 g shaft. The spin numbers with the Ascent were running 4000-5000 rpm’s. With the TSR-2 the KK was less than optimal. I was working with a fitter on hybrids and fairways, so he threw in checking the driver, and we went with a HZDOUS Red. Only paid for that shaft.
  4. GMcClanahan

    Pinehurst, NC

    There are a lot of good on-line reviews of shafts. I am going to get fit for a utility iron and 3 wood (both Titleist of course) and was curious about the characteristics of certain shaft options. So I did some searches to get an idea of what each shaft does.

    But as stated above, try them in a fitting before buying. Go in unbiased but IMO never hurts to be educated about the options.
  5. The only way to find out properly is have a fitting but also let them find the shafts for you don't go in saying I want etc

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