Hole in one

Follow Thread

By JFurgison

  • 26 Replies
  1. I recently got a hole in one on my home course. I was told that since I used a pro v 1x that titleist would honor a award or certificate??? And if so, how do I enter my info

  2. Team Titleist Staff
    Hi JFurgison,

    Congrats on your ace! Here is the link to enter your info and we'll send you a bag tag: www.titleist.com/.../hole-in-one-stories

    And you can also share your story there too.

    Thanks for trusting the Pro V1x!

  3. Hi Mike,

    I live in Denmark and would love to have the HIO bag tag, but I cannot seem to find information on how to enlist for it in Denmark.
    Can you help me?
  4. Congrats on your ACE! I still have my Titleist Hole In One Certificate From My First ACE in 1981. Pretty Cool Stuff!!
  5. Tim R

    Tim R
    San Diego, CA

    Congrats on your ace. I've been playing for about 25 years and am still waiting for my first one. The bag tag will make it all the more special!!
  6. SGB

    Leesburg, FL

    Congrats! I am still waiting to get my first one! Been close a few times...
  7. First hole in one with witnesses! Used Titleist AVX.
  8. DonJ

    Cranston, RI

    Yeah congrats I got one and Titleist sent me a real nice pewter bag tag with my name on the bag of of it here's a pic
    Post Image
  9. Happy and jealous at the same time...so a guess a conjealulatuins is in order!?
  10. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    WOW Don. this is really cool. Congrats on the ACE!!
  11. No pictures. Have been struggling with my game for awhile. I play twice a week in a game at a great course, Blue Sky in Jacksonville. Had a very good round for me, 81, on Wednesday. Could not wait to get back on Friday. Had nothing going. Putted terribly. Didn’t make a par until 11. Knocked a 8 iron, 140 yds, in the hole at 16. Titleist Velocity, double #s 22. Emitt Smith, U of F.
  12. Chris B

    Chris B
    Monroe, LA

    Congrats! What a special moment.

    The HI1 has eluded me :-(
  13. I think this is No.1 on most golfers mind I know it is for me but unfortunately I'm never that accurate
  14. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Alex said:

    I think this is No.1 on most golfers mind I know it is for me but unfortunately I'm never that accurate

    I feel you pain Alex. I went 30+ years without one and got 3 within two years. The first one was late in the evening and the course had already pulled the flags so I was shooting blindly at a 1/3rd section (course rotates red, white, blue flags for front, middle, back). Second one was legitimately will hit and on line. Third one hit something in the front of the green, maybe a sprinkler head, and veered off at a 45 degree angle and went into the cup. My point, accuracy is sometimes trumped by shear luck. Keep swinging, anything can happen.
  15. Used a Titelist pro VI first time off the tee on a par three.(usually play dt tru soft). HOLE IN ONE!!!!!!!
    Sandhill Crane Golf Course, 12 th hole, 100 yards 9iron. GREAT BALL!
  16. Hunter E

    Hunter E

    Congratulations! I am still waiting on my first. I believe it will come one day though! Enjoy your bag tag!
  17. On a cold morning in Dec of 2020 during Covid-19 outbreak and after 15 years of playing I've finally got my first hole in 1.
    A Kodak moment!!! The group I was playing with signed my ProV1 ball.
    Post Image
    Post Image
  18. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Nice shot man, what a great way to get some memories out of the wild year we have had!
  19. J.C.


  20. Hole in one calabasas country club 4/27.2021 155 yards 7 iron Titilest Velosity
  21. Military
    Got my First Hole In One after 47 years of play.

    I hit the Ball solid with my 6 iron.... It was the 5th hole, a 144 yard par 3; the ball flew on a line a little left of the flag, fading back slightly to the pin... landed on the green about 6 feet from the pin, took one bounce and disappeared from sight. Jim, Raul and Bob were watching as I turned to them and I said "It disappeared, I think it went into the hole." As we all approached the green, I took out my cell phone... started taking a video and I walked up to the hole... there in the cup was my ball! Awesome... Got the ball signed by the guys, bought a few rounds at the club house, and the Ball now rests on my Challenge Coin Board.
    Here's a Picture of the ball.

    BTW there is something wrong with the "Submit Story Link"... when trying to submit the story it errors out to "Page can not be found"
  22. Military
    Picture never uploaded or the website didn't allow it.....

    Can anyone tell me what the turn around time is to receive the Bag Tag?
  23. Cherokee Country Club May 19 2022.......Great day on number 7....par 3- 167 yards down hill.....solid 8 iron...hit 4 ft past hole n backed up into HOLE......Miracles do happen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st one in 30 years....CRAZY
  24. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Jeff B said:

    Cherokee Country Club May 19 2022.......Great day on number 7....par 3- 167 yards down hill.....solid 8 iron...hit 4 ft past hole n backed up into HOLE......Miracles do happen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st one in 30 years....CRAZY

    Hey Jeff, CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to TT. A better place to post this might be on the "Hole in one Stores". You can also register for a Titleist pewter bag tag for using a Titleist golf ball. A very nice badge of honor to hang on you bag and interesting conversation piece. You can also add pictures with your post. Being a longtime member and Team Titleist Ambassador, thought this might be of interest. Again, congratulations on you great accomplishment. Some go a lifetime and never have a hole-in-one. Cheers, Chuck. =)


    NOTE: If you are a member at Cherokee, did you every play with Buddy Pike? Great guy. I believe he was a member there. He owned Tennessee Sporting Goods. GO VOLS.
  25. Got my first hole in one this past weekend 7/23/22. Used a 3 hybird from 215 out. I’m a lefty, so it faded right to left and hit the pin and went in. I personally didn’t see it go in, my two friends did. I knew it was going to be close, but they both went crazy saying it went in. I used a tour soft. Glad it finally happened and I no longer have to say “I’ve been close a few times”
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