Pro V1 left dot vs Pro V1's

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By Red G

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  • 2 Replies
  1. Has anyone out there done a good comparison between the pro V1 left dot vs the pro V1's? I'm curious on your findings. I've been thinking about switching it up to the left dot for some less spin on tee shots. But what I'm most curious about is how they feel from 120 yards and in?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Be advised that getting Left Dot balls is not easy. They do not receive normal retail release as they are primarily created for tour players only. You may be better off adjusting to one of the retail premium balls.
  3. Red G said:

    Has anyone out there done a good comparison between the pro V1 left dot vs the pro V1's? I'm curious on your findings. I've been thinking about switching it up to the left dot for some less spin on tee shots. But what I'm most curious about is how they feel from 120 yards and in?

    I was able to get some on a factory tour and also through the retail release. I will tell you its the best ball ive ever played. It feels great on every club in the bag. Not too soft, not too hard like the left dash and it is the longest ball ive ever played.

    Titleist says the 2023 prov1 is close to the left dot and take it from someone who plays both balls extensively, they are very different on the course.

    i LOVE the 2023 prov1...its a great great ball........but it falls short of the left dot in many areas.....especially off the tee for me. I think the V1 is a little better 50 yards and in, but if i had to choose one ball to play for the rest of my golfing life it would be the left dot. If Titleist put the marketing machine behind this ball, it would be the best selling ball in their my opinion.

    I love the left dot. Cant say enough about it. I have 2 dz left and i while i love playing them....i hate hitting them in the woods from time to time.

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