Loyalty Rewarded 2025?

Follow Thread

By Connor D

  • 58 Replies
  1. Connor D

    Connor D

    Hello Fellow TT Members,

    Longtime reader, first time poster - is there any talk about the Loyalty Rewarded promotion from Titleist this year?

    Usually those details start to trickle out this time of year at various shops across the country before officially releasing in March. Does the loyalty program usually run during new ball launch cycles?

    Thanks, CD

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Historically, yes. Patience.
  3. Fingers crossed!
  4. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I am hoping Titleist announces the loyalty program by early February.
  5. The Loyalty program is awesome!
  6. Sean H

    Sean H
    Philadelphia, PA

    Already have a gift card locked and loaded
  7. Please remind me...can I custom order the number on my ProV1 in the loyalty program?
  8. Mary Beth S.

    Mary Beth S.
    Lenexa, KS

    MGrogan said:

    Please remind me...can I custom order the number on my ProV1 in the loyalty program?

    Yes, you can. I get custom play number 77 every year.
  9. Loyalty, and patience, Rewarded!
  10. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Usually runs for the month of March.
  11. I have been waiting for this I want one rlly bad.
  12. steven c

    steven c
    leeds, ae

    I have heard it is March but will happen
  13. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    My time of the year and #8 has my name on them. We will get ample notification. Hakuna matata. =)
  14. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    They always give us announce in plenty of time, and people here will be posting it. Take the #8s Chuck, I'm waiting for #4s. lol
  15. 4Right25

    Chicago West Suburbs

    It’s Chicago,I’m going with 23
  16. Just learning about this feature. What e;we should I know about the loyalty program?
  17. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    Buy 3 get a box free!
  18. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    In the US you can order through most dealers or direct through Titleist.

    Check the rules carefully on how to order. Ordering 3 boxes doesn’t automatically ship a 4th. There are customization options, usually limited to ball number. The V and the X in white will offer 1-99. If they include the left dash again, at most your number options may be limited to 1-4, or just the standard 1, 2, 3, and 4. Same for yellow options.

    In past versions there was an option to include up to 3 lines of text. Varies as well. In the end, it nets out to about $42 a dozen before taxes.
  19. My guy I ordered from passed away, gonna order his number this year.
  20.  RJUnleashed

    Rhode Island

    I am so tempted to try the 1X this year. Reviews trending toward 5-7 yrs and steeper decent. But I just love the feel of ProV1.
  21. 4Right25

    Chicago West Suburbs

    After several rounds I was glad I made the switch to the 1x. Everyone is different but I think it’s worth a try.
  22. Tom B

    Tom B
    Northborough, MA

    Do you most of you guys usually get them through your pro shop, a superstore, or through Titleist website?
  23. Connor D

    Connor D

    I have ordered a few different ways. In 2023 I ordered through Titleist website, and then in 2024 I ordered through a proshop. When announced, and orders open, I highly suggest ordering as soon as possible. I have had balls delivered in as little as 2 weeks or as long as 6 weeks, depending on when I placed my order.
  24. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The majority of my purchases are with the Buy 3 - Get 4 deal around March.
    I do have a preferred number but that’s not an option with the yellow balls.
  25. Mary Beth S.

    Mary Beth S.
    Lenexa, KS

    Tom B said:

    Do you most of you guys usually get them through your pro shop, a superstore, or through Titleist website?

    I've gotten mine through Carl's a couple of times and have gotten my order super fast. I'm on their email list and get notification almost before the program actually starts.
  26. Jared L

    Jared L
    La Jolla, CA

    I also have been ordering from Carl’s the last couple of years during the Loyalty promotion in March. If you use the Capital One Shopping plug in, you usually get a pretty decent rebate as well. Last year it was 15%, which worked out to a net price of $37.77 per dozen for Pro V1x with custom numbers (including tax). Hard to beat that price! The balls ship directly from Titleist.
  27. Sean M

    Sean M
    Liberty, MO


    Jared L said:

    I also have been ordering from Carl’s the last couple of years during the Loyalty promotion in March. If you use the Capital One Shopping plug in, you usually get a pretty decent rebate as well. Last year it was 15%, which worked out to a net price of $37.77 per dozen for Pro V1x with custom numbers (including tax). Hard to beat that price! The balls ship directly from Titleist.

    I’m going to have to remember that Jared…great idea!!!
  28. Joseph E

    Joseph E

    I used to get them thru the pro shop... but they seem to arrive faster when I order direct from Titleist,
  29. Joseph E

    Joseph E

    Through the website… seems to ship quickly. I think the pro shop waits until they have a few other orders before placing the order, which results in delays
  30. Connor D

    Connor D

    I am a member at a club up in Michigan and I have received the Buy 3 Get 1 offer from both cally and Taylor Made. It stinks that these promotions rarely overlap with the Titleist promotion. If for whatever reason Titleist doesn't offer their promotion this year, missing out on the TM promo would be a bummer as that's the only other ball I consider close to Titleist. Yes, I know it's only $60 savings but it's nice to feel like you got a good deal! Hope we hear confirmation about the Titleist promo soon.
  31. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Connor D said:

    I am a member at a club up in Michigan and I have received the Buy 3 Get 1 offer from both cally and Taylor Made. It stinks that these promotions rarely overlap with the Titleist promotion. If for whatever reason Titleist doesn't offer their promotion this year, missing out on the TM promo would be a bummer as that's the only other ball I consider close to Titleist. Yes, I know it's only $60 savings but it's nice to feel like you got a good deal! Hope we hear confirmation about the Titleist promo soon.

    Titleist does their loyalty program pretty much the same time every year. We loyalists wait anxiously for that time every March. Personally, I do not play those balls you mentioned, gave up on them decades ago, so if the promo does not go, I find other ways to get my Prov1s. I am a Titleist guy and so is this site.
  32. I was wondering the same exact thing! Hopefully they will announce it soon.
  33. Yes I saw in the Facebook group that some pro shops are doing orders. My question is how will this tie into the monthly subscription? I have custom balls in my monthly subscription and would also like the same in the loyalty program
  34. Yes I saw in the Facebook group that some pro shops are doing orders. My question is how will this tie into the monthly subscription? I have custom balls in my monthly subscription and would also like the same in the loyalty program
  35. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Josh J said:

    Yes I saw in the Facebook group that some pro shops are doing orders. My question is how will this tie into the monthly subscription? I have custom balls in my monthly subscription and would also like the same in the loyalty program

    The loyalty program is something separate. You can add customizations when you place your order. They may be limited or cost extra?? You will need to check when you place the order thru the Titleist account (pro shop, etc.).
  36. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    You’ll need to verify with the subscription program. There are limited customization options with the loyalty program. Other the standard V or X in a custom number, you can get up to 3 lines of text. Otherwise, if the option isn’t on the checklist, it isn’t available.
  37. Tom B

    Tom B
    Northborough, MA

    I've been loyal to my pros for years as they have always been good to me and the Titleist reps good to me too. The shop is no longer under the control of the pro though so I think I'll either order from another shop where the pro has the shop or go direct through Titleist website. Heading for the Ball Plant tour Friday, so if I get any "inside" info, I'll let you know
  38. Terry E

    Terry E
    Clinton Township, MI

    Just waiting for the announcement. It has normally been in March.
  39. EddietheKarp


    Not long to wait! Loyalty Rewarded will run March 3rd through the 31st.
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