
Follow Thread

By KShiflett

  • 4 Replies
  1. Would you guys replace the club or play as is? Unfortunately found a rock under some leaves.

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  2. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Put a band aid on that scratch and play away!!!
    Zero impact on performance...should be a non issue.
    You can take some super fine sand paper and smooth the sole.

    Dr. K
  3. Unless the face is damaged, that should be fine. Battle scar.
  4. PJDawes

    Springfield, MA

    I have a similar scar from a rock in a sand trap my 58 degree wedge found doesn't seem to have hurt it so play on.
  5. Tim D

    Tim D
    Kokomo IN

    I have a similar memory mark on my 9 iron. I used a little emery cloth and steel wool and removed the rough edges. I agree with others comments that this memory mark should not affect the performance of the club.

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