Need help with UDI

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By Tobias J

  • 1 Reply
  1. Need some help. My local golf store allows me to custom order any utility iron / shaft combo but I cannot do a fitting for it which seems odd to me but it is what it is.

    Playing of a +1-0 hcp. Playing a project x 6.5 mb-cb combo with my irons and I love them. Driver ballspeed is between 165-170 mph.

    Im looking to fill a gap in my set which is about 210 m. I have tested some UDI:s and Im looking at a 20-21° degree lofted one. I want a high launch with my UDI and my launch angle is low, especially with my long irons.

    Do you think a T200 3G would be enough or do I need to go to a U 505 to get the desired launch? Also I would love some recommendations on a mid-launch x-stiff shaft to go with the club. Since Im pretty much ordering this club "blind" without testing it I really, really need your advice.


  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Where do you live? You can go to the top under fittings and see if there is a fitter in your area that will accommodate you. No need to order a club blind at your level or anyone's level to ensure best results. If you choose not to go that route I would recommend contacting Titleist customer service below. They are the experts.

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