July 27, 2010 At 11:58 AM By zac S
zac S
How much width do i need in the backswing apparently i am very cramped do i need to let my arms extend more ??
Henrik KStumm, 0
hey Zac.
I would advise you to follow some youtube videos on that theme. A good exercise is to position a golf ball 10-15cm behind the ball you are playing.
During the back swing - try to push the ball straight back - then hit the playing ball.
Does that make sence? If not - sry - Im danish :) but you can find the exercise on youtube!Take care and good luck!
ksprecherScarborough, NY
The amount of width you need in the backswing is the same amount you have address. Players lose width because they don't turn their hips and shoulders enough going back. This causes the arms to collapse.
Try this drill, put the grip in your sternum and extend your arms so you are holding the shaft. Get in your posture and without removing the club from your sternum do a backswing. This will show you how much body turn you need to keep your arms straigter.
Good luck,
Kevin Sprecher
Thanks very much for the informative drill hopefully it will work!
Jay VPaducah, KY
Hi Kevin! I have seen my swing in video several times. When I get the club about 3/4 way back my upper body starts leaning toward target before lower body = no separation. In my opinion this has a lot to do with lack of flexibility. Is it Ok to allow my leftheel to come off the ground and prehaps close my stance to promote a bigger turn? Maybe this would help me start down with lower body 1st. Thanks, Jay
Quintin HMorehead, KY
Generally speaking, it is bad to have lines cross(closed stance to hit ball straight), but it is ok to have lines separate(Lee Trevino).
Closed stance to hit the ball straight promotes over the top, once comfortable with OTT it just starts getting worse.
Open stance to hit the ball straight promotes coming from the inside.
The best way I know of to start with the lower body is to get to the top of backswing and stop, hold it for a second then start.
I don't hear much about the pause at the top in instruction these days, take a look at Tom Watson the poster boy for the perfect swing.
Not stopping at the top promotes a bounce of the upper body. This bounce is an uncontrolled move and usually ends up OTT.
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