how many of you guys have hit a plateau? How long did you stay there? Ive hit the wall! I just cant seem to drop the strokes! I can shoot high 70s on a good day and low 80s on a bad day. I just cant seem to keep a round together. This is what blows my mind. I can lead 6-8 holes even or under par but 4 holes later have 5 bogies in a row or even two doubles in a row. I go from sticking a 175 par 3 to a 6 on a par 5. I cant solve the riddle that many that I play with have. I just dont know what to do. I have great swing mechanics and good ball striking most of the time. I have been shooting the low 80s for about 3 straight months now I have gotten my HC as low as an 8 in a short spurt of about 10 good rounds last summer. I find that I cant even get back to that level I was a year ago. I play 4-5 times a week. I just feel I should be better than I am for what I am putting into the game.