1st Ace! Hole 5, 191 yards, Golfmohr Golf Club

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By Drew M

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  1. Hole 5, 191 yards at Golfmohr Golf Club. Hit a 5 iron that was cutting to the right, took a big hop just short of the green, was rolling left to right and just disappeared. I turned around and was like, “Did that go in?” My buddy was like, “it had to. It was rolling right at and dropped. It’s either in or right behind the flag”. I took off running and sure enough, it sunk. 191 yards is a lot further of a run than it looks.. haha. Great day! Finished with an 83, 11 over par.

    PS - there’s a video, but too many expletives to post lol

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Amazing shot, Drew! Congratulations

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