First ever hole-in-one

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By daniel h

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  1. I first started playing golf around nineteen years old, my father had taught the game to my two brothers and myself, and we enjoyed many a round through the years, my brothers Brian and Kevin were lucky enough to have hole in ones, my dad and mom both passed away two years ago, two days short of my moms birthday I headed out to the tradition at oak lane on July 7th with my regular foursome, Bernie rombout, Craig Logan and dick stienschinder, we got to the 6th hole a par three measuring 168 yards, I chose my hybrid hit a solid shot heading to the green, it hit about 20 feet short of the flag and rolled up, I yelled go in! and we all saw the ball disappear, euphoric and shock are the words that come to mind, as I settled down I texted my brothers and said I joined the hole in one club and both were happy for me. I also immediately thought of my dad and mom, I pointed to the sky and thanked dad for teaching us this wonderful game, he was never lucky enough to have a hole in one but was always clearly the best player, but was clearly blessed in so many other ways, he would always say a round of golf with his three boys was always special, and I’d say worth more then a thousand hole in one’s, as it was for us, thanks mom and dad.

  2. EddietheKarp


    Great shot, Daniel! I’m sure mom and dad were looking down and sharing the moment with you! Congratulations

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