Hole in one

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  1. I finally achieved my dream of a hole on one during my weekly Thursday night league in East Longmeadow Massachusetts... I recently switched to Pro V1x's after years of playing the proV1's... I just seem to have a better feel with them and seemed to be hitting the ball a little farther.

    I was up one and teeing off on hole 8 at Franconia Golf course Springfield Massachusetts, my opponent missed the green right and it was playing 168 into a strong breeze, I clubbed up to a 6 hybrid and hit it right at the hole.. My opponent says " I think that went in" we looked thru the laser and didn't see a ball on the green, as we drove up and I didn't see a ball on the green I knew it went in .. I will keep that number 4 Pro V 1X , forever.

    Thank you for a great product

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