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  • 9 Replies
  1. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    This is more of a vent rather than'll probably fall on deaf ears but here it goes...

    Does anyone else get extremely frustrated when Scotty has a drop of new accessories (bags, markers, headcovers, etc) only to find they are sold out and listed on ebay before you have time to log in? And at 2-3 times the selling price?!? Very upsetting for those of us who actually want to collect or game his stuff.

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    I'm more upset that Brad Faxon gets one of every single item released (and posts about it on IG), while we are out here fighting for scraps.

    But honestly, if you aren't happy with the way things work, then you can choose to not renew your Club membership for 2025.

    For what the membership costs, I'm usually pretty happy with the welcome package. And I'll usually snag a few items throughout the year. Do I think it's ideal that you literally have to be online BEFORE the emails even hit to snag the limited release items? No. But ultimately the market dictates how things work. Until people stop joining, things will continue as they are I assume.
  3. Brad should have you over for a barbecue and garage putter your, you can report back!
  4. Eric N

    Eric N

    For sure. Club Cameron members get a bit of a heads up but even then, many aren't able to snag some of the higher demand items such as head covers.
  5. That has been going on for years since the club started in 2002...I cant agree more though with your frustration...

  6. PJDawes

    Springfield, MA

    They could always hold back a couple and do a drawing SWAG for example uses a platform for there big drops to draw people to prevent some of this
  7. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    To be clear, the frustration lies with these flippers who have no interest in collecting or keeping the merchandise. The bots or whatever, grab everything before loyal members have a chance and unless we want to pay 3 times the price (sometimes more) it's impossible to represent the Scotty brand.
  8. this year, I didn't join club cameron when it just opened. I was not excited about the cooler backpack for $200 and then having items sold out before I can get them in my cart.

    I do love the umbrella and Boston bag from the previous 2 years.

  9. You all are right on the money. I was lucky enough to just be checking on the Club Cameron 2025 this morning and was able to score a 2025 Membership!

    My dad bought me my first Cameron putter in 1998 as a birthday gift and I have been a loyal fan ever since. I have had a great time looking for Scotty Cameron stuff in odd places to find a deal. But it has also been very frustrating . Some times I feel like the last people on Scotty Cameron's list are the normal golfers like me. Tour guy's first of course, then golf industry guys, then friends, then the Japanese's market, then the resellers then maybe, just maybe, the average golfer.

    Between Circle T, Limited releases, and Club Memberships, it is had to give Scotty my $Cash directly. I usually end up giving it to a reseller instead.

    I would happily give Mr. Cameron more of my money if he just had more stuff available to buy .

    I have it so bad for the Cameron Brand I made a trip from NC to the Brick and Mortar store in Cali, only to be able to window shop. The store interior was closed to the public.

    Yet I still love the brand, I have 5 OTRs (3 customized at the Custom shop) 3 MOTOs, a Vendors Scotty staff bag, 25= head cover, ball makers, pivot tools, tees, balls, other accessories , too many clothing items to count.

    I will keep being a fan of Cameron even though I am sure he will break my heart again, kinda like a Dallas Cowboy fan the last 20+ years.

  10. You’re right, Cameron has made a lot of positive changes that have stopped most of the bots.

    Scott Lu Cameron counterfeit revenue equals big profits.

    I have a red, white, and blue champions choice head cover with a tiny blemish on the satin. Barely noticeable but some kid would love this, I’d love to put on eBay for $20. But I know if I put it on there a bit will buy it and resell it for more cash.

    I’ll find someone eventually at my home course. I may just give it to an assistant pro.

    Sorry to get off topic but the bots impact both the Cameron website, yearly membership, and people just trying to do re sale. I’m in tech and it’s amazing to watch the automated traffic hitting the Cameron site.

    Feeling a pang of guilt too, I was able to sign up for the 2025 membership today.

    All the best to you on the next round of drops.

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