Titleist Releases New Limited-Edition T-Series Black Irons

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By Zack R., Team Titleist Staff

  • 36 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Titleist, the most played iron on the PGA TOUR for 20 of the last 21 seasons, including each of the last 11, introduces the new limited-edition T-Series Black irons. Available on each T-Series model – T100T150T200 and T350 – for the first time, the new, more durable Titanium Carbide Vapor finish features a darker look than previous T-Series Black irons. The smudge-resistant finish is consistent across models, creating a seamless transition from iron to iron in blended sets.

    T-Series Black irons will be available for pre-sale on Tuesday, February 11 and available in golf shops worldwide beginning Friday, February 28. And we want to know, do you plan on adding a set of the new limited edition irons to the bag? Do you already have a set of Jet Black Vokey wedges that would go with the black setup? Let us know below!

    » Learn more about the new Limited Edition T-Series Black irons here

  2. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Guess the hunt for some cool ferrules and custom KBS shafts is underway!!!!!
  3. Honestly always found blackout clubs to be incredibly sexy so long as the paint doesn't come off TOO quickly. Obviously it will erode overtime, but that's also a trophy of sorts. Kind of cool to watch how the clubs wear overtime and shows off how much you play. I always appreciated a good wear pattern on an older pair of irons.
  4. Gianni F

    Gianni F
    Brighton, UK

    Looking fantastic! Now to somehow justify getting two sets of irons this year... Chrome and Black
  5. They look really good, but new irons are not in this year's budget.
  6. Any plans to offer a LH version?
  7. CBotts

    Hillsboro, OR

    Just in time...going to be getting a Titleist fitting soon and will hopefully be able to get these irons...they are sure sexy!
  8. This is not a want this is a need. Combo set is needed in my bag.
  9. Drew


    I love my previous version of the black T200's! The black has held up well over the 140 rounds I've played and countless hours at the range. These clubs get so many compliments at the club I belong to, I'll definitely be adding this updated version to my collection!
  10. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    You're killing me here! My T100s's are not even a year old now these? Looks like another purchase coming soon
  11. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    They are awesome looking. At my age, just have to work on my game with the T350s I have. Great job guys. They are beauts.
  12. Dino S

    Dino S

    Chuck Z said:

    They are awesome looking. At my age, just have to work on my game with the T350s I have. Great job guys. They are beauts.

    C'mon Chuck. They make them in the 350's. Stealth black would look great in your bag
  13. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Chuck Z said:

    They are awesome looking. At my age, just have to work on my game with the T350s I have. Great job guys. They are beauts.

    My next purchase is a new GT Fairway 15* and some new regular shafts for my TSR1 18* fairway and my 20* hybrid. Just purchased a new GT2 driver and a Vokey 56.10S. When you are retired and it is winter time, the money tree is running bare. Am more of the chrome shiny clubs, easier to find in my all black Titleist bags. Waiting for the shafts to come in at my favorite (Titleist account) golf shop about five minutes from the house.
  14. SSawyer

    Melbourne, FL

    Without a shadow, best looking irons on the market, I’d even go and say best looking irons Titleist have ever brought out. ‍♂️
  15. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    Very nice finish on these beautiful clubs.
    My interrogation is why you do not issue these limited series when you introduce a new model.
    I think new models should be issued new models this year.

    But these are beauties.
  16. Craig P

    Craig P
    Tacoma, WA

    These are FIRE!!!!!!!!!
  17. Mike R

    Mike R

    Beautiful. Nothing beats a black finish on a set of irons.
  18. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Those are pretty sick looking!!
  19. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Those clubs look sharp.
  20. Dino S

    Dino S

    these are awesome! I'm torn between these or holding out until fall to see new irons.
  21. Anthony C

    Anthony C
    Tinton Falls NJ

    Has the back plate issue been fixed on the 350s?
  22. They look awesome.
  23. Mark M

    Mark M
    Wetaskiwin, AB

    Cannot wait till the snow ️ melts in the great white north and these will be in my bag ready to go for the new season let’s go team Titleist
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