New Putter

Follow Thread

By Reed S

  • 4 Replies
  1. Reed S

    Reed S
    Muskegon, Michigan

    Great day today!!! Glad I waited for the 5.2 to be released today. Can the snow melt soon please here in Michigan?

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  2. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Great looking club, hope you enjoy it!
  3. Beautiful!
  4. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    I had a chance to try the sales sample from my local rep. I like the look of the plumber neck and the feel of the swing. Seems a bit heavier (weights were heavier than I expected), which I like as well. I can't say whether I'd putt any better as here on my carpet, from about 8', I don't see a difference between it and the custom Phantom 5 (34.5", heavier weight), the Select 2.7, or even my Circa with the plumber neck (carbon steel with charcoal mist finish), though, so I'm not sure I can justify buying one!
  5. Reed S

    Reed S
    Muskegon, Michigan

    I have really enjoy messing around with it indoors so far. I am coming from a Newport two so the plumber neck fit my eye.

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