Hilton Head

Follow Thread

By l

  • 10 Replies
  1. Where is the best places to play on Hilton Head besides Harbour Town it will be shut down for maintenance during July

  2. JYoung


    When will you be there in July? I'll be there the 5th to the 12th and will be playing 2 or 3 days probably by myself. Maybe we could play a day or two. Atlantic Dunes and Heron Point are both very nice. The 3 courses are Palmetto Dunes are really nice too. It all depends on how much you want to spend. I liked Golden Bear when I played it. Heard good things about Oyster Reef, Dolphin Head and Hilton Head National.
  3. The week after July 14 thru 20
  4. JYoung


    We normally go that week but the place we stay was already booked up. Dragged our feet too long booking it. Haha
  5. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    We were there last year on vacation and played Oyster Reef, Shipyard, Harbor Town. Can't go wrong in HHI
    Also played RTJ and Fazio the year prior. Not as great but still good tracks
  6. Jim R

    Jim R

    Atlantic Dunes is a favorite as well as the three Palmetto Dunes - Fazio, Hill ans RTJ.
  7. If you are going to be there for a few days consider buy a play card at Shipyard golf club. This last february a 7 play card was $319, Great deal and it included 3 other golf courses.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Bluffton which is the neighboring town has some worthy courses and recommend you check them out as well.

    Google public golf courses in Bluffton, SC

  9. Isn’t old south links in bluffton
  10. JYoung


    Yes. Old South is right across the bridge from the island in Bluffton.
  11. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Old South is a fun round.
    Palmetto Dunes - all 3 courses are worth playing
    Oyster Reef is a good track
    Palmetto Hall - 2 courses, The Hills course is fun to play

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