Kansas City MO/KS

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By Jon T

  • 1 Reply
  1. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa


    Hey Team Titleist! Going to be travelling to Kansas City in about a month and looking to snag a couple tee times to play with 5 or 6 colleagues. Any recommendations on good public tracks? I looked at Ironhorse in Leawood and am leaning towards that one, but a few in the group might not want to get their teeth kicked in with me (I'm a glutton for self induced pain). Let me know if you have any recommendations - we're staying downtown and would prefer to keep it within a 1 hour drive. Thanks in advance!

  2. Hey Jon, I live and play in KC….Live in Lees Summit actually. Ironhorse is a solid track….as far as public access courses go, I’d say the top 3 around town are Creekmoor, Shoal Creek and Ironhorse, in that order. Creekmoor is semi-private so can be a challenge to get preferred tee times, especially on the weekends. I do belong there, so could potentially help out with tee times if needed. Aside from those three, there are many other decent options as well…Adams Pointe, Fred Arbanas, Stone Canyon, Winterstone, Sycamore Ridge, tTiffany Greens, to name a few. All are well within 30 min from downtown. Enjoy wherever you decide…

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