My New 913D3 Driver

Follow Thread

By Michael H

  • 1 Reply
  1. Michael H

    Michael H
    Burnley, +2


    I purchased my new 913D3 driver last November time and I have now fitted my new shaft in it. I have filled in my 'Driver' on Team Titleist 'register product' section with the serial number, but will this only confirm the factory settings so to speak?? I have filled in exectly what I play in my profile.

    Is there a section I can fill in away from my profile, just incase anything happens etc

    Kind regards,


  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Michael,

    You are correct about the "register product" section - the serial number will relate to the spec that the product originally left Titleist.

    There isn't anywhere else to register subsequent changes - the best solution, as you have done, is to update your profile on Team Titleist.

    Best regards 

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