By PMosher

  • 2 Replies
  1. Is the 56.14 mostly for full and bunker shots?

  2. PMosher said:

    Is the 56.14 mostly for full and bunker shots?

    I have the 54.14 bent weak to 55 degrees (which also adds one more degree of bounce). The 56.14 would play pretty much the same.

    I would say to your question yes, mostly. For my game (double digit handicap) full swings and bunker shots when the sand is not very firm are definitely what I find it most ideal for.

    I find that for little bump and runs and chips around the green I tend to use my gap wedge instead.

    For pitching the ball over bunkers or any shot I want to land soft, I like to open the face up a little. So I use a lob wedge for those shots rather than the 54.14 SW. That said, I have certainly hit slightly open-face pitch shots with the 54.14 and it works fine. I'm just more comfortable with a bit more loft and some heel relief.

    I'd say for a full swing club, you can't really do any better than either 54.14F or 56.14F (depending on what fits your loft and distance gaps). Although I'll admit to be intrigued by the new 54.12D and 56.12D grind options in the SM8. That D-grind in a lob wedge is awesome and I have a feeling I'd like it in the sand wedge as well!
  3. Thank you for the good information. Just added a lob wedge to my bag. If I can get versatile enough around the greens then the 56.14 might be the wedge.

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