What’s a good grind and bounce for a 52 degree

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By LaGolfer

  • 7 Replies
  1. So far I got a 60 08 m grind and a 56 10 d grind what should I get for a 52 degree also I was thinking on trading in the 60 08 m grind for a 60 12 bounce k grind let me know what you guys think

  2. Tyler H

    Tyler H
    Appleton, WI

    Go through the wedge section tool on Vokey.com
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The 2 clubs I never thought about getting fit that I was completely wrong on were wedges and putters. Of course Vokey makes that difficult by not just offering the alphabet of P-G-S-L.

    Are you using the iron set's P or even the W? What is the loft of your last iron?

    With a traditional P at 48 degrees, the standard set wedges were 52-56-60. More folks are moving to a Vokey in lieu of their set P iron for touch on partial shots. Depending on their gapping, they may use 48-53-58 instead of 4 wedges allowing for another club at the top of the bag.

    We all use different grinds because we all swing differently. There is a wedge guide on the website describing the grinds, so with the knowledge only you have, you can decide if you need the flexibility of the M or if you need the higher bounce K. Or find a Titleist Thursday or a site with outdoor wedge fittings to dial you in.
  4. I’m going to pitching wedge up to 60 I just found out about volkey tool gonna try it out I so far got a pitching wedge 48 a 56 degree and 60 was trying to figure out what’s a good grind for them
  5. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Get fit and avoid buying the wrong wedge!
  6. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Tyler is right; go to the wedge tool. It really will narrow it down for you.
  7. Diego D

    Diego D
    Miami, FL

    If I were you, I would first go to Vokey's wedge selector:


    Then, I would get custom fit wedges.

    By the way, the selector tool is really good. The questions and results are spot on.

    I have played around with the answers, and the results are accurate if I compare to the result of my wedge fitting.

  8. Really depends on the conditions you are playing in. Here in Texas I use very low bounce as its often much harder ground so the club naturally bounces off. When I am playing where the ground is more soft, I switch my 52, 56, and 60 to higher bounce options.

    The grind is going to depend on how you use it. So go get fit, and honestly just buy all the Vokey wedge....wouldn't you buy the mega pack of screwdrivers?

    These are tools so make sure to get the right tool for the job.

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