Shaft selection

Follow Thread

By Joseph

  • 2 Replies
  1. Joseph

    Nottingham, UK

    I recently got fitted for 620MB with project X LZ 6.5. My issues is my pitching wedge (47 degrees) I hit around 140 yards. I have an SM7 50 degree wedge and I can only mange to hit it 115 yards. This leaves me with a 25 yard gap that I’m struggling with. The question is… I have the SM7 in a “wedge flex” could this be the reason I’m losing distance? Should I be looking at a wedge with the same shaft in? Any help or advise welcome


  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Could be several things going on here. Wedge flex is a Dynamic Gold S200. Shaft is likely a some of the cause, but when is the last time you checked your lofts? Also, might be time for new wedge. SM7 is several years old and if the grooves are worn, you won't get adequate performance (including spin and proper launch) to get the distance you need. You should have about a 15 yard gap between those two clubs with a 3 degree separation.
  3. Joseph

    Nottingham, UK

    Thanks for your reply, I have never had the lofts checked on the wedges, so something to consider there. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head that it’s time for new wedges, I’ll get custom fit for them. Thanks for you help I really appreciate it

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