For Beginners

Follow Thread

By Carissa O

  • 8 Replies
  1. What do you wish you knew about golf when you were a beginner?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    1. I don’t know enough to teach myself
    2. Golf balls differ by more than price
    3. If swinging a golf club feels uncomfortable either way, pick RH
    4. If a man at a golf retailer steers my wife to a pastel set, he is not worth dealing with.

    Lessons from #1 #2 - be frugal but not cheap.
  3. Mary Beth S.

    Mary Beth S.
    Lenexa, KS

    Mostly that the driving range is a ton of fun (as long as you don't give yourself blisters trying to bomb drives one after the other) but I should really work a lot more on my short game. Don't buy cheap iron sets off the rack. Go hit a variety of clubs at a golf shop or superstore that has either a driving range or hitting cages to get a feel for different brands and what feels good to you. If you can afford it, get a fitting. And don't ever be ashamed of your game, especially when you're first starting out.
  4. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    I wish that I knew that golf is so very difficult to get really good at and very few people actually excel at the game. The courses are filled with average players and some below average folks. It's a struggle but once one is addicted it's a lifetime pursuit!
  5. Military
    This is a game that constitutes an every ending comment to learning and practice along with a “Can Do” attitude with tremendous patience.
    ALWAYS remember
    Enjoy your ability.
  6. Military
    Playing 7 Years now and last Friday 8/02/24 2:08 pm got my 1st of many to come HOLE IN ONE at home course par 3 78 yards with 56 degree ‍♂️
  7. Military
    How much dedication it would take to break 100
  8. Karen L

    Karen L
    Fort Myers, FL

    I have been playing golf since I was 5 years old. I wish I would have learned the importance of the short game, putting and chipping. As a kid I just wanted to bomb the ball. As i got older I realized it doesn't matter as much how far you hit the ball if you have a great short game you can still score. Now I practice my short game more than any other part of my game.
  9. 1. Master the short game—it’s where you save strokes.
    2. Don’t blow your budget on gear; start simple.
    3. A few lessons early beat years of bad habits.
    4. Golf’s 90% mental; learn to bounce back.
    5. Know your etiquette—nobody likes a slow player.
    6. Accuracy Distance. Always.
    7. Practice with intention, not just repetition.
    8. Everyone hits bad shots. Chill and enjoy the ride.

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