+New Pro V1/x ball fitting with Team Titleist!!+

Follow Thread

By Luke R. Team Titleist UK

  • 383 Replies
  1. I am available and would be delighted to attend at Woburn on Saturday 2nd February.
  2. Tom H

    Tom H
    Dunfermline, Fife

    I am available for the Aberdeen event.
  3. Tom H

    Tom H
    Dunfermline, Fife

    Looking forward to new prov1's for the new season....just which one!
  4. Woburn 2nd Feb please. Fingers crossed.
  5. NIck7wade

    South Wales

    I’d love to attend Woburn on the 2nd
  6. Would be great to attend the session at Woburn on the 2nd Feb. Maybe you can convince me to spend a little extra on the ProV1 range?
  7. Woburn please!
  8. I'd like to do a fitting at Woburn please. Would be great to have a expert view on which of the ProV1 or ProV1x would be game changers for me. I have a healthy supply of both and use them indiscriminately.

    Have never given enough weight to ball choice. Time to change that me thinks!!
  9. A great opportunity to test my new TS gear with the new ball, if chosen I would like to attend Woburn on the 2nd February.
    Many thanks for this opportunity.

  10. Would love to be able to attend the Woburn fitting 2nd February, any time and I will be there! Thanks
  11. Hi, I’d like to attend on Saturday 2nd Feb at Woburn please.

    Kind regards

  12. Woburn on the 2nd!
  13. I would love to do Woburn on the 2nd Feb, overtime at work can wait!!
  14. Woburn, please.

    Thank you.

  15. Available for the 3rd of February for Aberdeen if lucky enough to be drawn :)
  16. Saturday 2/2 @ Woburn would be great.
    Another great offer from TT. Best regards Tom
  17. Hi Team Titleist

    I've read through all the posts but can't seem to see my original entry so thought i'd better try again.

    I enjoyed testing your new ProV1 (??) ball a couple of years ago but I'm still unsure as to which is the best Titleist ball for me so the opportunity to attend Woburn would be great.



  18. I’m available for the entire weekend, but would like to attend in Aberdeen on the 3rd.

    Thanks so much!

  19. Keith J

    Keith J
    Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire

    I would be thrilled if I could attend the Aberdeen event on 3rd February.
  20. As a massive Titleist Ball and Club fan I'd love to be selected for the Woburn session... I play just down the road in Beds, and would also love the Short game session as a chance to make sure all my Kit is in place for the upcoming season...

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